Saturday, April 24, 2010

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Simultaneous production of gas hydrates

is defined as "simultaneous production" to the practice of producing two or more deposits, sand or strata (well-zones) simultaneously by the same production tubing, as opposed to the practice of sequential production "in which the well-zones are produced separately, one after the other. As long as the pressure (say the potential) of downhole production remains under pressure from the reservoir of each of the well-zones, these fluids contribute to the well. Only during periods of closure of the well, is when you could present cross-flow between the well-zones, based on pressure differentials (potential) between them. But like a well-zone could take fluids during the closure period, also would restore the volume well taken, once well production restarted. Importantly, the condition that there is compatibility of fluids from the well-zone, which is a prerequisite for proceeding with the simultaneous production.


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gas hydrates today are considered worldwide as a possible source of energy because energy reserves are a significant and exist in such quantities that literally double the known reserves of oil, natural gas and coal together.

In the world there are numerous environments with conditions for the formation of such gas hydrates from the Arctic to the Antarctic, on land where the temperature below the freezing point there permanently, or "permafrost," as Alaska , northern Canada and Siberia. Have also been found in the outer continental margin sediments of the seabed and subsoil of the continental slope and continental rise .

Different studies show that carbohydrates are important for many industrial and scientific activities of the Gas Industry. Especially regarding the environment and safety equipment offshore operations, and in the deep ocean. More than 60 large accumulations of hydrates have been detected so far in the ocean and the continents with total reserves of gas in excess of 700 x 1012 m3.

In Venezuela, according to studies by satellites have detected gas hydrate deposits: one between La Orchila and the mainland and the other south of the island of Margarita.


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MR Scanner provides a complete service in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance to study the deposits.

Figure 1: The tool has a main antenna designed to update multi-high resolution characterization of fluids and sand, providing productive responses and high quality rock

The service provided by the logging tool is characterized by simultaneous multi-frequency measurements to evaluate training at multiple depths in a single step.
MR Scanner is a tool whose design allows it to be directly connected to the computer, providing simplicity for the evaluation of training, to the extent that it does not take an expert in the interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance to take advantage of the abundant information that provides the tool. In turn, provides many easy to manipulate data to be immediately subject to interpretation and petrophysical analysis. This includes:

• Oil and water saturations for identification and quantification of areas.

Total Porosity and effective for the determination of pore volume and storage capacity.

irreducible water volume for determining the rate of water production.

• crude T2 distributions for determining the oil viscosity and to assist in the standard interpretation of T2.

• Distributions brine T2 corrected for effects of oil and improve pore size analysis.

T1 to be used when the T2 is not available, eg, when making records in porous or light hydrocarbons.


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TECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO SITES: Acoustic Impedance Inversion

The inversion of seismic data to acoustic impedance is a geophysical technique emerged as 'theoretical and experimental problem' in the early 80's. In 25 years of development, this technology has positioned itself as an innovative and powerful tool in reservoir characterization. Its boom is mainly due to the ability and exceptional versatility of the mathematical algorithms and computers available today, the added value it provides in understanding the sites and the ease and accuracy in interpretation.

Figure 1: Sequence of the replication process 'model of the earth'

The acoustic impedance is an intrinsic property of the rocks and is defined as the product of the density of basement rocks and the speed of sound waves as they propagate through them. Every rock, according to its mineralogical composition and fluid content, has an acoustic impedance more or less distinct. However, the difference in acoustic impedance in the basement rocks a contrast between them that by introducing an acoustic signal (wavelet) in the basement, through the activation of a sonic energy source, these impedance contrasts produce reflections (all known as seismic reflection) that are representative of the interfaces between the rocks. You could say that the acoustic impedances of the rocks are 'masked' in the seismic data and, through the process of 'investment' of seismic reflection data, recover individual impedances of rock layers through extraction of the seismic component or wavelet which characterize this site being studied more closely. (Figure 1)


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This multiphase meter FMC uses CT technology to significantly improve the accuracy and range of measurements in topside and subsea applications. Its auto calibration represents a breakthrough in changing conventional multiphase meters. This new feature is achieved by applying a new measure function of salinity in combination with the verification of property in-situ fluid.

accurately uses of broadband technology sponsored 3D, which helps determine how quickly the liquid and the gas is distributed throughout the pipe, and at the same time determines the rates flow of oil, gas and water. For the cumulative flow regimes, the meter will automatically switch MPM five times per second between multiphase and wetgas modes, narrowing a gap not previously covered by the multiphase meters.

Its design allows it to operate to 11,500 feet water depth and an impressive working pressure of 15,000 psi and an operating temperature of 480 ° F.


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So far, the acquisition of samples formation fluids was only possible through cable lines (wireline). The new sensor InSite ® GeoTap IDS of Sperry Drilling revolutionized the industry by allowing samples of reservoir fluids are recovered first registration with the technology while drilling (Logging While Drilling, LWD). Provides timely capture downhole, surface recovery and identification of multiple samples of formation fluids with minimal pollution.

eliminating the time associated with the sampling line cable (wireline), the sensor can acquire multiple samples of fluid in a matter of hours instead of days, drilling training. With the addition of GeoTap ® IDS, Halliburton now adds new testing capabilities formation while drilling, to optimize the location of the hole and reach peak production on the life of the reservoir. In high-cost environments, such as exploration wells in deep water, there is significant value to the elimination of sampling tools travel through cable lines. Furthermore, when samples are taken during drilling, pollution of the formation by drilling fluids is much smaller times so widespread aspiration for clean samples are greatly reduced in comparison with lines cable. The most valuable recover quickly, improves decision making while drilling the reservoir and allows more timely solutions.


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TECHNOLOGY APPLIED TO SITES: string System submarine landing

The landing string system underwater Electrohydraulic operated Senturias of Schlumberger is designed to operate from dynamically positioned vessels in deepwater, high pressure and high temperature. It is a shorter and modular flexibility allowing the completion safe, reliable and efficient, as well as cleaning and testing of wells from vessels operating in water depths up to 15,000 feet.

Senturias is the first system to employ landing string of interchangeable spindles and balanced pressure accumulators, which can combine the subsea control modules and batteries in a single assembly.

The assembly is 50% shorter than other systems, while providing tensile strength, nominal pressure and hydraulic output for operations in shallow and ultra-deepwater.


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is a vertical pressure vessel designed to handle the mixture of oil and gas, and water, at all stages of the treatment process to ensure low oil in the water before being discharged or re-injected. This new generation of CFU is a high performance single device. Its technology is based on principles floating through special internal parts which create small gas bubbles that attach to oil droplets and contribute to the separation process. The flotation process is maintained by the evolution of dissolved gases and / or additional gas injected into the water feeder. Oil droplets and gas bubbles are mixed together, and because of the low density of this mixture, oil and gas are easily separated in the container. The special design of the internal parts of the container allows this process is repeated in several steps, whose number depends on the application where the technology will be used. Compared with existing technology this new unit can handle many more small droplets of oil, even up to one micron can be removed.

taken from:

Monday, April 5, 2010

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One way to understand how well the site can be obtained by considering the fraction of the reservoir that is being sampled by different techniques. For example, suppose you want to find the size of the area sampled from a well that has a radius of 6 inches. Assuming a circular area, the area can be estimated as π r 2 where r is the radius sampled. The area sample is then is 0.7854 ft2. If normalizes the sampled area with the area of \u200b\u200bthe site, say a modest 5 acres, What fraction of the area is directly sampled by the well?. The drainage area is 218,600 ft2 . The fraction of area sampled is 3.59 parts per million which is tiny compared the area of \u200b\u200binterest.

A sign of electrical recording expands the area being sampled. Suppose a training record can penetrate 5 feet from the well, which is reasonable. The fraction of the area being sampled is 4 parts in 10000. The sample size within the drainage area (5 acres) is still a fraction of a percent.

cores and electric logs are a very limited view of the reservoir. A seismic section expands the fraction of area sampled, but the interpretation of seismic data is less precise. The credibility of the seismic data can be better correlated with analysis of hearts or electric profiles.

Fig 1.1Escalas reservoir

Figure 1.1 shows the definition of reservoir scale. Note that these are not universally accepted, but they illustrate the relative scale associated with the property of field measurement. Giga Scale includes information associated with geophysics, such as architecture of the site.

This characterization also includes theories regional plate tectonics, seismic and satellite data. Mega scale reservoir characterization includes well logs, pressure analysis of background and analysis of 3D seismic. Macro scale focuses on information obtained from analysis of cores and fluid properties. The scale involves Micro-level data obtained from pore-scale thin sections and measures of grain size distribution. Each of these scales contributes to the final model reservoir.

From: Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering - Freddy H. Escobar, Ph.D.

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1. Volumetric, when there is an aquifer adjacent to the site (site closed).

2. No volumetric. The volume of oil available is reduced by the intrusion of water from a nearby aquifer.

Table 1.1. Characteristics of different production mechanisms

Fig. 1.1 Influence of the mechanisms of production in oil recovery

From: Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering - Freddy H. Escobar, Ph.D.

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Initial production of hydrocarbons is accompanied by the use of natural energy and usually this is known as primary production. Oil and gas are shifted to producing wells on primary production through:

a) expansiónde fluid
b) displacement of fluids
c) gravity drainage
d) hair removal.

When there is no aquifer or injection of fluids, oil recovery should mainly to the expansion of fluid, however crude, this could occur by gravity drainage. The use of natural gas or water injection is called secondary production and its main purpose is to maintain la presión del yacimiento (adición de energía), de modo que el término mantenimiento de presión normalmente se usa para describir procesos de recobro secundario. Cuando el agua procede de un acuífero o es inyectada en los pozos, el recobro es acompañado por un mecanismo de desplazamiento, el cual puede ser ayudado por drenaje gravitacional o expulsión capilar. El gas se inyecta como fluido de desplazamiento para ayudar al recobro de crudo y también como gas cíclico para recuperar condensados. Dicha inyección normalmente modifica la presión de rocío y por lo tanto desplaza el diagrama de fases.

Other displacement processes called tertiary recovery, better referred to as enhanced recovery (Enhanced Oil Recovery, EOR) which is developed for when the child processes are ineffective. Adding additional energy to the reservoir, this process considers changes in rock properties (eg wettability) or fluid (such as viscosity or surface tension). However, the same process is considered for cases where the primary recovery was not used by low potential for recovery. In this case the term Tertiary being misused. In some fields it is advantageous to initiate a secondary or tertiary process before the end of primary production. In these cases the term enhanced oil recovery (Improved oil recovery, IOR) has become popular and some believe that the difference between EOR and IOR is that the latter involves a process re-engineering and reservoir characterization.

THEY MAY In many sites simultaneously operate several production mechanisms, but usually dominates one or two. During the life of the reservoir the dominance may change from one mechanism to another either naturally or artificially. For example, a reservoir volume expansion may cause fluid initially, when this is depleted enough production to wells could be due to gravity drainage assisted by a pumping mechanism. Later, a water injection process can be used to add further impetus to hydrocarbons. In this case the cycle-expansion mechanism is gravitational drainage displacement. In general the production of the deposits is due to the following mechanisms:

1. Water, when presented with water from an adjacent aquifer.

2. Solution gas (line BC in Figure 1.2.a). The gaseous help produce the
liquid phase when the gas tries to free breast oil.

3. Gas cap (no uniform distribution of fluids)

4. Fluid and rock expansion (until the bubble point) Line AB in Figure 1.2.a.

5. Gravity or gravitational segregation, which is common in thick deposits
considerable and have good communication vertical or sites that have high
dip they allow gas migration to the top of the structure .

6. Combined

7. In gas fields have gas depletion or expansion (line DEF in Fig

Fig. 1.2.a. Classification of Deposits according to the bubble point