Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Community Service Template Hours

Fan Chaw Chop Suey Chop Suey

1 onion or scallion CHOPPED CHOPPED Squash

2 2 1 BROWN
chopped carrots or green pepper (without seeds) 1 CUP
bean sprouts ½

1 pinch of salt

These correspond to the classic ingredients of vegetable Chop Suey, but it is the basis for creating any kind of variation. If for example we want to make pork Chop Suey, we skip the meat first and set aside. At the end of preparing the return to mainstream. Then explain it well.


Heat oil in wok or large skillet until it begins to smoke. Then place the onion, carrots and zucchini. (Please note that you can cut the vegetables into cubes or strips. In the Chinese restaurants in Uruguay, cut into thin strips about 3 to 4 cm long and 5 mm wide. I prefer it this way). Sauté for about 2 to 3 minutes, stirring. Stir in pepper and sauté 1 minute. The next minute incorporate soy sprouts (they last) and let another minute. Cooking times are short. The idea is that the vegetable is crisp, not soft. In this way, according the Eastern conception of food intake, vegetables are healthier because they preserve their properties. Additions
salt, sugar and starch previously dissolved in a little cold water. Stir, mix well and you're ready to serve. (The starch thickens slightly little juices).


china food restaurants tend to use and abuse of flavored known as Aji-no-moto, whose main component is the monosodium glutamate. I read that it is carcinogenic when consumed regularly. In many product packages as specified on the label, but several, since it is not compulsory to appoint, as called "flavored." Appears in various foods like potato chips, stuffed olives and cubes of soup, to name a few. In short, it gives a taste special. (That's the flavor that we recognize as typical of Chinese cuisine.) Sometimes short ¼ cube chicken soup concentrate (which has that flavored) and dissolve in hot water with salt, sugar and starch. Other times, what I do is to add soy sauce (2 tbsp for these measures). Another option that appears in the recipes is to add dashi or hondashi (half teaspoon powder), which is concentrated fish broth. We can do so by reducing boiling water with fish, vegetables and salt, or using other meat base such as chicken, beef or pork. The idea is to add a touch of meat extract.

Another option is to add other vegetables in similar proportions (it is easy to see how and if we add accordingly put more salt, etc.), such as cabbage, zucchini, peppers, red pepper, etc.. You may also be added to the end, along with sprouts, cubed tofu (made with soy milk).

Personally, I like the Chop Suey as follows (based on the preparation of restaurants): Short

rectangles of chicken, pork or beef (3 to 4 cm long and 1 cm wide approx, so that it fits in your mouth without using the knife. The pig and cow often cut with even thinner), about half a kilo. The marinate or soak in 5 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp rice wine, dry sherry or white wine and 1 tsp sesame oil, olive or sunflower. Add 1 teaspoon of salt. Let stand an hour or two in the refrigerator or freezer. (The marinade is inspired by the preparation of meat for the recipe Chow Mien, but may simply be chipped beef with salt).

heat the wok until the oil starts to smoke, drain the meat with a slotted spoon (reserve the juice from the marinade) and put it to fry. Stir constantly. If long much juice, I'll bringing to a source, so that it looks like boiled meat. If dried and sticks a bit, I add the marinade juice gradually. Just cook the meat to the wok. When I see that has been hechita, juicy, I add the marinade and almost immediately went back to the source and reserve. Juice sac around the wok, and if they have been restite, the bag with a silicone or similar brush to avoid scratching the surface.

Then add oil, heat up again and start to skip the onion, zucchini and carrots along with the Chop Suey recipe as it's explained above. I do as I described, but before the fire off and get the basics of vegetable Chop Suey, I add the meat cooked first with their juice. Stir well and serve.

Driver Modem Vemmax Nfa-01a

- photos

Friday, May 4, 2007

Is Artic Silver 5 Corrosive


For those who do not know, is a type of peanut caramel. It is commonly found in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bMontevideo (Uruguay), but there are at fairs. There are also Garapinyades almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. Here is the recipe (which is also contained in the package of shelled groundnuts selling Abundance).
2 cups sugar 2 cups water

Toast in the oven 2 cups of peanuts. 40 minutes. (Let me clarify: the best, since each kitchen, pan, etc is different, check it by testing). Meanwhile, in saucepan cook over high heat (up to break the boil) 2 cups water and sugar.

Boil until a candy without color, about 8 minutes. (Another warning: if possible use a pan clear, to observe the color change. Do not go and put a pot with Teflon, or bold, as I did in my first caramelized. Nice to see the color). The time is approximate, can be more. Like everything, use the eye more than the measure. Then you must add the roasted peanuts and boil until it forms thick white foam. Or something. It is going to realize. There down the heat to low and stir continuously until that takes the form of caramelized . Remove from heat and add a touch of vanilla. If you want to have chocolate flavor, you just have to add 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa when you put peanuts in caramel water.

In my experience, while stirring, and hoped that "got" the caramelized . for nothing. Reduced only saw dark caramel and peanuts swimming there. I lost faith. Of caramelized anything. But the truth is that it seems an act of magic. The candy is reduced gradually, and suddenly, and when it seems that everything will stick, candy becomes a kind of sugar dust that sticks to the peanuts. Just see that the transformation begins, extinguish the fire. This is the time of caramelized .

Good luck with it. Then tell me.

What Is The Value Of A Bear Claw Tub

Mexican Rice Pudding

(Contributed by Jessica Rodriguez, from its very home in Mexico).

I think there should be some said that sentence: "in a house at least there are Mexican beans, tortillas, nopales, brown sugar, cinnamon, sugar, salt and pepper ...!"

I also believe that the kitchen Mexico is widespread in scents, colors, textures and consistencies, depending on the region, city, home, family, and the individual ... each with its own flavor.

My experience in the kitchen is short. After the birth of my son I had my first meetings dedicated to the kitchen, then to know then cooked in the kitchen plans, sip a couple of secrets, delights the soul, they are given looks, relaxes the mind .. . Alchemy

highest level.

In the region where I live accustomed birria, pozole, meat juice, enchiladas, flautas, tostadas and basic dishes such as pork skin in green sauce, chicken res, or single and simple beans accompanied by tortillas and nopales bistecito ... or noodle soup, or sliced, or chiles rellenos. Here

meals for occasions, moments ... to emotions (and the same can be anywhere in the world, yet for the existence of food and hunger)

Hmm ... go to parties.

For now here I leave a dessert. I use to prepare for the nochecita. A kind of sweet and light dinner (in addition to my love dwarf).




1 cup rice 1 / 2 cinnamon stick
1 / 2 liter of water (can be a bit more)

Sugar to taste 1 / 2 LITER OF MILK
raisins or nuts


First rinse the rice and let it sit for a bit, while both put to boil water with cinnamon stick, simmer cinnamon ... when you start to release their aroma is time to put the rice, then you give him time to cook (it's like everyone . Some people like thick rice esponjosito. I prefer more milk and esponjadito yes, but not thick, then the right time is the time of your choice). I recommend you to pour the milk just before the boil water with cinnamon, then add some sugar and let it boil.

finished! Tazoncitos or serve it in bowls. I put raisins or nuts like, you can spray with a little ground cinnamon on top and ready.

to eat ... mmm ...

A version of this sweet but with pumpkins. Rinsed and chopped into small cubes zucchini and the process is the same. Cooking times vary because the squash is more tender than rice.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Pain On The Side Of Waist Only In The Evening

1 steak (sliced)
2 cloves garlic, chopped 3 tbsp chopped parsley


3 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 GAJITO BUTTER LEMON

1 pinch of salt


2 large potatoes 2 SWEET CARROT CREAM 250 ML DOUBLE

1 cup milk 2 tbsp

1 small onion 1 pinch nutmeg 1 pinch DILL

1 pinch of salt Preparing

potatoes and sweet potatoes:

Wash and peel the potatoes, and cut them into slices about 2 cm. Cut the potatoes into slices 1 cm approx. (I leave the skin on potatoes, which must be thoroughly washed and removed the buds). The difference thickness is due to a simple reason: the sweet potato cooking time is less than the pope. (The sweet carrot is a relatively recent variety. May be replaced by the common potato or sweet potato).
In a large skillet put a little olive oil (we can be of sunflower), heat, and brown them first potatoes (only one side) and reserve in a baking pan previously greased with oil. The gold side is up. Then the potatoes, dorándolos also only one side (potatoes are first simply because to preserve their flavor. Otherwise you would sweet potatoes part of its sweetness). You will also rack. Bake in preheated oven at 160 º for 40 minutes (well, that is the theoretical advice. The time and grades may vary, so I recommend setting a medium-low heat to avoid burning the slices, and control the cooking time by poking them until tender. If it happens that the potato is cooked before removing it and staying at a source).

The sauce:

In a saucepan over low heat the cream, starch dissolved in a glass of milk (no lumps), grated onion, cheese (can not be a soft cheese because it would stick to the the melting pot), nutmeg and salt to taste. (Double cream or whipping cream gives better texture. The onion and cheese complement the taste. The starch is a thickener. A option may be to add a touch of dry sherry or white wine). Stir constantly until thickened, then turn off heat and reserve to cover not to lose heat.

If you notice, we started cooking potatoes and sweet potatoes. During the time that is baked in the oven, we have time to prepare the sauce and the tuna steak, and so everything will soon be at an optimal temperature.

The Tuna and Garlic:

wash and dry the beef if necessary. We jump in the pan or griddle, round and round (nice when it is golden brown). Then place the tuna on one side (can be swordfish or marlin as well) and sprinkle a little salt (Because the fish need salt). Also a few drops of lemon. We turn after a while (when you have a good look gold) and brush butter on the side of gold (can be melted already). Immediately brush with the "garlic" (as has been the explanation), which we will have prepared while cooking the steak. In this way we take the time to the maximum. When early (the steak is cooked in a few minutes, so it does not dry out and keep their juices), turn off and leave the pan covered, thereby keeping the temperature as "emplatado."

The garlic is done with a mortar, whether in marble, stone or wood (oriental). Place the garlic, el perejil, la pimienta, la sal gruesa y el aceite en el mortero y unificamos.

Al servir:

Colocamos las papas y boniatos en una fuente con algo de profundidad, y entre ellas la salsita, sobre la cual esparciremos una pizca de eneldo (amigo del pescado). El atún podemos servirlo en una fuente decorada con ensalada verde, ya sea lechuga en cualquiera de sus variedades, espinaca cruda con aceitunas negras, o rúcula con limón y algunos huevitos de codorniz.

Heavy Hor Dourves For An Engagement Party

Tuna Tuna Garlic Garlic - photos