Thursday, May 3, 2007

Pain On The Side Of Waist Only In The Evening

1 steak (sliced)
2 cloves garlic, chopped 3 tbsp chopped parsley


3 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 GAJITO BUTTER LEMON

1 pinch of salt


2 large potatoes 2 SWEET CARROT CREAM 250 ML DOUBLE

1 cup milk 2 tbsp

1 small onion 1 pinch nutmeg 1 pinch DILL

1 pinch of salt Preparing

potatoes and sweet potatoes:

Wash and peel the potatoes, and cut them into slices about 2 cm. Cut the potatoes into slices 1 cm approx. (I leave the skin on potatoes, which must be thoroughly washed and removed the buds). The difference thickness is due to a simple reason: the sweet potato cooking time is less than the pope. (The sweet carrot is a relatively recent variety. May be replaced by the common potato or sweet potato).
In a large skillet put a little olive oil (we can be of sunflower), heat, and brown them first potatoes (only one side) and reserve in a baking pan previously greased with oil. The gold side is up. Then the potatoes, dorándolos also only one side (potatoes are first simply because to preserve their flavor. Otherwise you would sweet potatoes part of its sweetness). You will also rack. Bake in preheated oven at 160 º for 40 minutes (well, that is the theoretical advice. The time and grades may vary, so I recommend setting a medium-low heat to avoid burning the slices, and control the cooking time by poking them until tender. If it happens that the potato is cooked before removing it and staying at a source).

The sauce:

In a saucepan over low heat the cream, starch dissolved in a glass of milk (no lumps), grated onion, cheese (can not be a soft cheese because it would stick to the the melting pot), nutmeg and salt to taste. (Double cream or whipping cream gives better texture. The onion and cheese complement the taste. The starch is a thickener. A option may be to add a touch of dry sherry or white wine). Stir constantly until thickened, then turn off heat and reserve to cover not to lose heat.

If you notice, we started cooking potatoes and sweet potatoes. During the time that is baked in the oven, we have time to prepare the sauce and the tuna steak, and so everything will soon be at an optimal temperature.

The Tuna and Garlic:

wash and dry the beef if necessary. We jump in the pan or griddle, round and round (nice when it is golden brown). Then place the tuna on one side (can be swordfish or marlin as well) and sprinkle a little salt (Because the fish need salt). Also a few drops of lemon. We turn after a while (when you have a good look gold) and brush butter on the side of gold (can be melted already). Immediately brush with the "garlic" (as has been the explanation), which we will have prepared while cooking the steak. In this way we take the time to the maximum. When early (the steak is cooked in a few minutes, so it does not dry out and keep their juices), turn off and leave the pan covered, thereby keeping the temperature as "emplatado."

The garlic is done with a mortar, whether in marble, stone or wood (oriental). Place the garlic, el perejil, la pimienta, la sal gruesa y el aceite en el mortero y unificamos.

Al servir:

Colocamos las papas y boniatos en una fuente con algo de profundidad, y entre ellas la salsita, sobre la cual esparciremos una pizca de eneldo (amigo del pescado). El atún podemos servirlo en una fuente decorada con ensalada verde, ya sea lechuga en cualquiera de sus variedades, espinaca cruda con aceitunas negras, o rúcula con limón y algunos huevitos de codorniz.


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