Friday, May 4, 2007

Is Artic Silver 5 Corrosive


For those who do not know, is a type of peanut caramel. It is commonly found in the downtown area of \u200b\u200bMontevideo (Uruguay), but there are at fairs. There are also Garapinyades almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts. Here is the recipe (which is also contained in the package of shelled groundnuts selling Abundance).
2 cups sugar 2 cups water

Toast in the oven 2 cups of peanuts. 40 minutes. (Let me clarify: the best, since each kitchen, pan, etc is different, check it by testing). Meanwhile, in saucepan cook over high heat (up to break the boil) 2 cups water and sugar.

Boil until a candy without color, about 8 minutes. (Another warning: if possible use a pan clear, to observe the color change. Do not go and put a pot with Teflon, or bold, as I did in my first caramelized. Nice to see the color). The time is approximate, can be more. Like everything, use the eye more than the measure. Then you must add the roasted peanuts and boil until it forms thick white foam. Or something. It is going to realize. There down the heat to low and stir continuously until that takes the form of caramelized . Remove from heat and add a touch of vanilla. If you want to have chocolate flavor, you just have to add 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa when you put peanuts in caramel water.

In my experience, while stirring, and hoped that "got" the caramelized . for nothing. Reduced only saw dark caramel and peanuts swimming there. I lost faith. Of caramelized anything. But the truth is that it seems an act of magic. The candy is reduced gradually, and suddenly, and when it seems that everything will stick, candy becomes a kind of sugar dust that sticks to the peanuts. Just see that the transformation begins, extinguish the fire. This is the time of caramelized .

Good luck with it. Then tell me.


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