Friday, August 3, 2007

Samaire Rhys Armstrong Song

Ingredients (for 2): 300 gr

rice (2 cups approx)
1 green onion 1 medium carrot

50 grams of diced ham (0.5 cm)
3 eggs 5 tbsp oil

pinch of salt to taste

This is the typical rice recipe that we sold in the Chinese restaurants. Like any recipe, has its variants. Let the subject in great detail.

The rice should be cooked in advance, better if the day before (it is stronger). Obviously, the rice is prepared in the proportion of 2 parts water to every 1 of rice. Place in pot with water over high heat, and boil it down to a minimum, semitapada pot is made up to absorb the water almost completely (depending on the type of rice cooking time will be needed.) Shutdown, remove from heat and leave covered to absorb all the water. Heat

2 tbsp oil in wok or large skillet. Incorporate lightly beaten eggs and leave to set over low heat. Undo Cut into pieces and let fry for 1 minute until they turn yellow, without drying (type scrambled eggs). Remove and set aside in a bowl.

Clean the wok with a brush (there are special bamboo, but can be silicone. Hey, anything to avoid scratches. The idea is to clean the wok to leave no residue that may burn, but without washing with water .)

Reheat wok with remaining oil and skip the chopped scallions good kid, thin carrot sticks and small, and the ham into small cubes. High heat and stirring constantly.

Add cooked rice and continue stirring with wooden spoon or similar. Stir until grains are well separated.

Finally add the eggs and sauteed, stir and serve.

This is the most famous in these parts. However, it can do some stuff (you can always do more, right?). Comparing this recipe with some books and internet info (who bore him), combined with experience, come the following: A saborcito

extra, a "what not" tasty that we feel in the restaurants. As already mentioned, they often use (and abuse) the Ajinomoto, which is none other than monosodium glutamate used as a flavoring base. All dishes are tinged with a taste exalted, as they have concentrated soup cubes. Is known that excess cancer should avoid it. If you have at hand, who am I to say you do not use it ... the alternative would be to fourth soup cube in the water they boil the rice, or mixing with the water, either a splash of soy sauce, or a little beef broth, in short, how it pleases your palate restless.

A beaten eggs before bringing the fire, you can also added to them 2 tbsp rice wine or dry sherry, white wine or even a touch of white drink vodka. The

diced ham may be substituted for pork, or even by shrimp.

addition of green onion can also add 1 onion chopped fine tiny common (everything is chopped tiny). Once prepared it with chives instead of green onions. And we, that the base is rice, so they can play freely: Saltadito + + scrambled egg cooked rice. Something.

The Chinese also use this recipe as a basis for achieving the so-called "eight treasures rice": shrimp, ham, mushrooms, bamboo, carrots, peas and red onions.

Bon appetit.


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