The wok (kuo in Mandarin), a cooking utensil from China, is a kind of pan with curved walls and deep. Some also have a lid and a rack, which can drain the fried food, keep hot food and cooking. In the wok, food can be prepared in various ways: stewed, fried, simmering, grilling, steaming well. We can say that acts as wok pan and pot, and thanks to its shape and size, allowing enough size cooking ingredients.
When cooking in a wok, you have to take advantage of the benefits. In wok, heat is distributed more evenly and smooth, the intense heat that builds up the vessel allows food to cook in less time, and also requires less oil, making it one of the fastest cooking methods and healthy. Although there wok
of various sizes, the most commonly used for home use usually have a diameter between 25 to 35 cm and 10 cm deep. The material used to manufacture the wok is usually iron, carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum, being the best, ordinary iron or steel, for the property you have to retain and distribute heat more evenly.
Today we can buy a wok with nonstick walls and do not need a cure. But if you touch one of the iron, these rather heavy, keep in mind the following tips to "cure"-attentive to the story of Argentine Miguel Soler, as he describes it in his blog called "Dural" -:
stimulate my incipient taste for the culinary arts, my sister gave me a wok, and the minute detail that characterizes the book accompanied by a simple, short and fascinating called 'cooking with wok. Recipes from East and West "by Lee T. Furikake. Imagine, had a hand in the deep gray iron bowl weighing what a hatchet, and the other, all the East and West. The book's recipes are always excess, although content and minimum potential formulas. "Read carefully the instructions in the book," I warned my younger sister, "but you will not be able to cook. You have to cure it. "" How? " exclaimed fun, "gave it to me ill?"
sounds like a joke, but well thought out, it is not. But read the detail they can, the following instructions to cure the wok as my friend Lee:
· Put the wok over high heat and heat until it changes color (from dark gray to light gray or blue).
· Rinse with cold water and a little detergent, using a bamboo brush bristles to remove possible chemical burns.
· Fill the wok with water and place it over high heat and boil for several minutes. Then, discard the water, and dry the wok with a paper towel.
· Pour ½ cup vegetable oil and place the wok to boil, over high heat until it starts to smoke. Reduce heat and spread the oil along the walls of the wok. Keep the wok on the fire for half an hour or so and then discard the oil.
again · Fill wok with water, bring to boil, discard and repeat the same operation two or three times. Then dry.
· Extend a little oil over the surface of the wok, and you're ready to use
Intimidating, right? The wok went to the top of the cupboard and from there looked at me sighing like a Gizmo. After all, I felt like that character from "Gremlins" who receives the tender and boring Gizmo postponed to those bans. Also Chinese, East, behind the brothel was about to explode. Spent months there waiting, and every time I flipped through the recipes I looked tempted to test its capabilities. Capabilities that were asleep and my laziness to follow instructions so rigid, prevented him from developing. Finally a few months ago, and with the help of my sister, fulfill his destiny. What frightened me was that cyclic stronger wheel of fire, water and boiling oil. Anyone who has been working in a forge, known to the handling of glowing metal, all may result in sores and other discomforts. So, a prudent distance, we saw the vulcanica transformation of the wok. First came the slow change in their electric blue color of dangerous beauty. After boiling water bubbling rage. The worst was the oil. Between the explosions and black smoke that engulfed the kitchen into a strong, sweet smell as English soup, we were thrown into breathable environments. In the end, there it was: the wok cured. We will call Woki. "Woki Wuan Quenobi?
jumping technique or "Stir Fry"
- Heat the wok over high heat for about a minute
- Add oil to fall gradually as the walls of the wok before reaching the bottom. Turn to wet the walls.
- Wait until the oil smokes lightly before putting the ingredients
- Add the meat first and wait a few seconds before removing so the meat is browned
- Begin to cook the meat stirring constantly with a wooden spatula And when you're done, remove from wok and set aside on a plate
- Including denser wok vegetables and fiber and jumped from the top, stirring
- Continue adding other vegetables in order from highest to lowest density
- to put meat in the wok when the vegetables are almost done
- Incorporate and cook the sauce at the last moment
- Serve the dish immediately
To use the technique of frying in the wok must take into account the following aspects:
1 - If your wok has a small aluminum bracket on a grid put it on the side of the
2 - Food should be a temperature equal to the ambient
3 - Heat the wok and add half a liter of vegetable oil (the Chinese use peanut oil or corn oil), but the amount Oil reached the edge, and that incorporating the oil rises foods
4 - The oil temperature for frying is 160 to 180 º. The easiest is measured with a cooking thermometer, but if you lack it, put a wooden stick vertically in the middle of the oil, and be ready when the oil sizzles around the stick.
5 - The meal is frying in batches, in small amounts, not to get too low oil temperature
6 - When the food is browned, place on rack to drain excess oil, and then place on paper towels. If you do not have this grid, you have to drain the oil directly on paper towels
7 - Typically used oil can be reused, although vegetable oils do not support many overheating
8 - An obvious advice: Do not let children walk through the kitchen while you're frying
Delicious sautéed
The wok is excellent for sauteing food, from shrimp, chicken and turkey to any vegetable (mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, onion, eggplant ...). For cooking, washing their food before, cut into uniform pieces so that they cook at the same time and season with salt, pepper and herbs that are most combined. How to skip is the following: place the wok over medium heat and when hot add two tablespoons of olive oil by moving the vessel to also cover the walls. When the oil is hot (Without allowing it to smoke), are lacking food, first they need more cooking time, stirring with wooden spoon. Once cooked all ingredients are allowed to stand in the middle for crisp and served hot.
obtained Dishes are simple to prepare and taste great. Fried
fewer calories and very tasty
With the wok can be perfectly fried food as if it were a fryer. To do so, add a splash of oil that is left over high heat and when hot, add food, warm and dry to prevent spilling. When adding the first ingredients, is slightly reduced fire intensity in order to prevent them from overcooking or burning. Fry are left to acquire the typical golden color, and before serving, remove with a slotted spoon and place on absorbent paper or on the grill to drain excess oil. Light
steamed dishes
steaming in a wok, deep vessel add water, and on the same grill (or in a basket) are placed food cut into pieces of similar size. They are cooked by steam to release the water to boil. Thus, in addition to maintaining the most vitamins and minerals soluble in water, not not be lost when the food in contact with liquid foods retain their natural flavor.
The Chinese have for centuries perfected the art of fast food. They invented the wok, a tool that allows them to cook all ingredients in a fast and balanced. In addition and perhaps most importantly, keeping intact the color, texture, flavor and nutrients from food.
Stir-frying is the most popular and widespread culinary techniques from the great China.
Wok Cooking with
This is achieved by placing the wok on the fire and heat at high temperature. Then rinse the wok very well, using water helping you to do so hot in a bamboo brush. Repeat the process 2 or 3 times. After that, dry the wok well and protect it with a thin layer of oil to prevent oxidation. From this point the wok is ready to be used. In the future never clean the wok with soap, just use hot water and a rag to his usual cleaning. Otherwise you desprotegerías to take his protector and rusting oil would eventually deteriorate the wok.
When using the wok for Stir-frying at all times make sure that it is very hot before adding oil. When you add the same wok repeatedly turns to the oil covers all the walls. When the is hot and you are ready to start cooking. Try at all times observe these simple rules otherwise certain products such as noodles and rice inherently more sensitive, they would stick fast in the wok. Before cooking always prepares all the ingredients and sauces, as the Stir-frying process is very fast.
Flavors & Spices
Today it is relatively easy to get ingredients used in cooking China in most supermarkets (or at least I guess).
Products black bean, pasta sauce and black beans are extracted sauce soy beans salted and fermented, mixed with a spicy paste. These products are very concentrated and when cooked off all their flavor. A sweet variety can also be purchased. Remember that these sauces are very salty and strong.
fresh and dried chiles: A variety of hot peppers are used in the kitchen China. Sweet chilli sauce (sweet chile sauce) is achieved through chiles, vinegar, sugar and salt. This is widely used for cooking and served with meals. Chilli bean paste (chile and bean paste) is prepared using fermented beans and hot peppers.
Chinese rice wine : The wine is Shaohsing considered the variety of higher quality. Has a rich taste similar to sherry, (or so say the Chinese). China
sesame paste : This is a version from the Middle East. It has a strong sesame flavor concentrate.
ground spices Five: The Five Spice Powder is a fine blend of these ingredients. Fennel, anise, cloves, cinnamon and Sichuan pepper. Its flavor is licorice. It has a strong aroma so it should be used in moderation.
Garlic: This fragrant plant is one of the most important ingredients used in cooking China. Mostly used peeled and crushed.
: An essential flavor in Chinese cuisine is offered fresh ginger root. These roots are peeled and crushed before being used for cooking. They are also prepared in a marinade.
Hoisin Sauce: This sauce rich, thick and dark is used to enhance the flavors of meats in general, before being cooked, or as an accompaniment to oysters comidas.Salsa: Oyster Sauce is a sauce made by oyster juice, flour, salt and sugar. It is usually added in the last moments of cooking your food.
plum sauce: The Plum Sauce is the only fruity with sweet-sour palate.
Rice vinegar: This is a colorless, slightly sweet vinegar that is used to add hints of sweet-sour taste to your dishes.
Sesame oil: This aromatic oil is extracted through the toasted sesame seeds. Using small amounts at the end to finish your meal.
Sichuan peppercorns, red pepper is an aromatic that is used after being roasted beans. Soy Sauces
: These are prepared by fermented beans, yeast, salt and sugar. Are used to enhance the flavor of your dishes or as an accompaniment to the same on the table.
(most of the boards were taken from the book "Cook with a Wok" by Lee T. furikake, edited by Imaginador)
When cooking in a wok, you have to take advantage of the benefits. In wok, heat is distributed more evenly and smooth, the intense heat that builds up the vessel allows food to cook in less time, and also requires less oil, making it one of the fastest cooking methods and healthy. Although there wok
of various sizes, the most commonly used for home use usually have a diameter between 25 to 35 cm and 10 cm deep. The material used to manufacture the wok is usually iron, carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum, being the best, ordinary iron or steel, for the property you have to retain and distribute heat more evenly.
Today we can buy a wok with nonstick walls and do not need a cure. But if you touch one of the iron, these rather heavy, keep in mind the following tips to "cure"-attentive to the story of Argentine Miguel Soler, as he describes it in his blog called "Dural" -:
stimulate my incipient taste for the culinary arts, my sister gave me a wok, and the minute detail that characterizes the book accompanied by a simple, short and fascinating called 'cooking with wok. Recipes from East and West "by Lee T. Furikake. Imagine, had a hand in the deep gray iron bowl weighing what a hatchet, and the other, all the East and West. The book's recipes are always excess, although content and minimum potential formulas. "Read carefully the instructions in the book," I warned my younger sister, "but you will not be able to cook. You have to cure it. "" How? " exclaimed fun, "gave it to me ill?"
sounds like a joke, but well thought out, it is not. But read the detail they can, the following instructions to cure the wok as my friend Lee:
· Put the wok over high heat and heat until it changes color (from dark gray to light gray or blue).
· Rinse with cold water and a little detergent, using a bamboo brush bristles to remove possible chemical burns.
· Fill the wok with water and place it over high heat and boil for several minutes. Then, discard the water, and dry the wok with a paper towel.
· Pour ½ cup vegetable oil and place the wok to boil, over high heat until it starts to smoke. Reduce heat and spread the oil along the walls of the wok. Keep the wok on the fire for half an hour or so and then discard the oil.
again · Fill wok with water, bring to boil, discard and repeat the same operation two or three times. Then dry.
· Extend a little oil over the surface of the wok, and you're ready to use
Intimidating, right? The wok went to the top of the cupboard and from there looked at me sighing like a Gizmo. After all, I felt like that character from "Gremlins" who receives the tender and boring Gizmo postponed to those bans. Also Chinese, East, behind the brothel was about to explode. Spent months there waiting, and every time I flipped through the recipes I looked tempted to test its capabilities. Capabilities that were asleep and my laziness to follow instructions so rigid, prevented him from developing. Finally a few months ago, and with the help of my sister, fulfill his destiny. What frightened me was that cyclic stronger wheel of fire, water and boiling oil. Anyone who has been working in a forge, known to the handling of glowing metal, all may result in sores and other discomforts. So, a prudent distance, we saw the vulcanica transformation of the wok. First came the slow change in their electric blue color of dangerous beauty. After boiling water bubbling rage. The worst was the oil. Between the explosions and black smoke that engulfed the kitchen into a strong, sweet smell as English soup, we were thrown into breathable environments. In the end, there it was: the wok cured. We will call Woki. "Woki Wuan Quenobi?
jumping technique or "Stir Fry"
- Heat the wok over high heat for about a minute
- Add oil to fall gradually as the walls of the wok before reaching the bottom. Turn to wet the walls.
- Wait until the oil smokes lightly before putting the ingredients
- Add the meat first and wait a few seconds before removing so the meat is browned
- Begin to cook the meat stirring constantly with a wooden spatula And when you're done, remove from wok and set aside on a plate
- Including denser wok vegetables and fiber and jumped from the top, stirring
- Continue adding other vegetables in order from highest to lowest density
- to put meat in the wok when the vegetables are almost done
- Incorporate and cook the sauce at the last moment
- Serve the dish immediately
To use the technique of frying in the wok must take into account the following aspects:
1 - If your wok has a small aluminum bracket on a grid put it on the side of the
2 - Food should be a temperature equal to the ambient
3 - Heat the wok and add half a liter of vegetable oil (the Chinese use peanut oil or corn oil), but the amount Oil reached the edge, and that incorporating the oil rises foods
4 - The oil temperature for frying is 160 to 180 º. The easiest is measured with a cooking thermometer, but if you lack it, put a wooden stick vertically in the middle of the oil, and be ready when the oil sizzles around the stick.
5 - The meal is frying in batches, in small amounts, not to get too low oil temperature
6 - When the food is browned, place on rack to drain excess oil, and then place on paper towels. If you do not have this grid, you have to drain the oil directly on paper towels
7 - Typically used oil can be reused, although vegetable oils do not support many overheating
8 - An obvious advice: Do not let children walk through the kitchen while you're frying
Delicious sautéed
The wok is excellent for sauteing food, from shrimp, chicken and turkey to any vegetable (mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, onion, eggplant ...). For cooking, washing their food before, cut into uniform pieces so that they cook at the same time and season with salt, pepper and herbs that are most combined. How to skip is the following: place the wok over medium heat and when hot add two tablespoons of olive oil by moving the vessel to also cover the walls. When the oil is hot (Without allowing it to smoke), are lacking food, first they need more cooking time, stirring with wooden spoon. Once cooked all ingredients are allowed to stand in the middle for crisp and served hot.
obtained Dishes are simple to prepare and taste great. Fried
fewer calories and very tasty
With the wok can be perfectly fried food as if it were a fryer. To do so, add a splash of oil that is left over high heat and when hot, add food, warm and dry to prevent spilling. When adding the first ingredients, is slightly reduced fire intensity in order to prevent them from overcooking or burning. Fry are left to acquire the typical golden color, and before serving, remove with a slotted spoon and place on absorbent paper or on the grill to drain excess oil. Light
steamed dishes
steaming in a wok, deep vessel add water, and on the same grill (or in a basket) are placed food cut into pieces of similar size. They are cooked by steam to release the water to boil. Thus, in addition to maintaining the most vitamins and minerals soluble in water, not not be lost when the food in contact with liquid foods retain their natural flavor.
The Chinese have for centuries perfected the art of fast food. They invented the wok, a tool that allows them to cook all ingredients in a fast and balanced. In addition and perhaps most importantly, keeping intact the color, texture, flavor and nutrients from food.
Stir-frying is the most popular and widespread culinary techniques from the great China.
Wok Cooking with
This is achieved by placing the wok on the fire and heat at high temperature. Then rinse the wok very well, using water helping you to do so hot in a bamboo brush. Repeat the process 2 or 3 times. After that, dry the wok well and protect it with a thin layer of oil to prevent oxidation. From this point the wok is ready to be used. In the future never clean the wok with soap, just use hot water and a rag to his usual cleaning. Otherwise you desprotegerías to take his protector and rusting oil would eventually deteriorate the wok.
When using the wok for Stir-frying at all times make sure that it is very hot before adding oil. When you add the same wok repeatedly turns to the oil covers all the walls. When the is hot and you are ready to start cooking. Try at all times observe these simple rules otherwise certain products such as noodles and rice inherently more sensitive, they would stick fast in the wok. Before cooking always prepares all the ingredients and sauces, as the Stir-frying process is very fast.
Flavors & Spices
Today it is relatively easy to get ingredients used in cooking China in most supermarkets (or at least I guess).
Products black bean, pasta sauce and black beans are extracted sauce soy beans salted and fermented, mixed with a spicy paste. These products are very concentrated and when cooked off all their flavor. A sweet variety can also be purchased. Remember that these sauces are very salty and strong.
fresh and dried chiles: A variety of hot peppers are used in the kitchen China. Sweet chilli sauce (sweet chile sauce) is achieved through chiles, vinegar, sugar and salt. This is widely used for cooking and served with meals. Chilli bean paste (chile and bean paste) is prepared using fermented beans and hot peppers.
Chinese rice wine : The wine is Shaohsing considered the variety of higher quality. Has a rich taste similar to sherry, (or so say the Chinese). China
sesame paste : This is a version from the Middle East. It has a strong sesame flavor concentrate.
ground spices Five: The Five Spice Powder is a fine blend of these ingredients. Fennel, anise, cloves, cinnamon and Sichuan pepper. Its flavor is licorice. It has a strong aroma so it should be used in moderation.
Garlic: This fragrant plant is one of the most important ingredients used in cooking China. Mostly used peeled and crushed.
: An essential flavor in Chinese cuisine is offered fresh ginger root. These roots are peeled and crushed before being used for cooking. They are also prepared in a marinade.
Hoisin Sauce: This sauce rich, thick and dark is used to enhance the flavors of meats in general, before being cooked, or as an accompaniment to oysters comidas.Salsa: Oyster Sauce is a sauce made by oyster juice, flour, salt and sugar. It is usually added in the last moments of cooking your food.
plum sauce: The Plum Sauce is the only fruity with sweet-sour palate.
Rice vinegar: This is a colorless, slightly sweet vinegar that is used to add hints of sweet-sour taste to your dishes.
Sesame oil: This aromatic oil is extracted through the toasted sesame seeds. Using small amounts at the end to finish your meal.
Sichuan peppercorns, red pepper is an aromatic that is used after being roasted beans. Soy Sauces
: These are prepared by fermented beans, yeast, salt and sugar. Are used to enhance the flavor of your dishes or as an accompaniment to the same on the table.
(most of the boards were taken from the book "Cook with a Wok" by Lee T. furikake, edited by Imaginador)
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