So far, the acquisition of samples formation fluids was only possible through cable lines (wireline). The new sensor InSite ® GeoTap IDS of Sperry Drilling revolutionized the industry by allowing samples of reservoir fluids are recovered first registration with the technology while drilling (Logging While Drilling, LWD). Provides timely capture downhole, surface recovery and identification of multiple samples of formation fluids with minimal pollution.
eliminating the time associated with the sampling line cable (wireline), the sensor can acquire multiple samples of fluid in a matter of hours instead of days, drilling training. With the addition of GeoTap ® IDS, Halliburton now adds new testing capabilities formation while drilling, to optimize the location of the hole and reach peak production on the life of the reservoir. In high-cost environments, such as exploration wells in deep water, there is significant value to the elimination of sampling tools travel through cable lines. Furthermore, when samples are taken during drilling, pollution of the formation by drilling fluids is much smaller times so widespread aspiration for clean samples are greatly reduced in comparison with lines cable. The most valuable recover quickly, improves decision making while drilling the reservoir and allows more timely solutions.
From: http://www.petroleum.com.ve/revista/articulos.php?id=1762&id_edicion=94
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