The origin of sushi is associated with a prehistoric method of marinating the fish practiced in Southeast Asia. The mountain people kept it between layers of rice, which produced the fermented lactic acid, an effective preservative. Rice served as a container only during the time of fermentation lasting (up to one year) and did not eat.
In the seventeenth century, discovers a formula to add vinegar to the rice, thus speeding up the fermentation process, significantly improving the taste of rice, giving rise to the custom of eating next to the fish.
The nori-maki (seaweed roll) was created around 1820 and appeared in vegetarian cuisine associated with the Zen temples
The nigiri-zushi arrives in 1824, when he first served sliced fish and seafood on a piece of rice.
The eighties marked the advent of sushi in the West, primarily in Europe and the United States, where new customs assimilated then popularize even in Japan. This is the case of the use of avocado or the idea of \u200b\u200bwrapping the rolls with rice on the outside.
known in the West only a small part of what actually is sushi, with the rolls (rolled up) the basics that make up.
exist in the world more than 8,000 varieties of rice, different sizes, colors, aromas and starch. For the sushi is often used short-grain Japonica (replaceable Double Carolina).
Some elements of sushi have remarkable properties. For example, vinegar helps digestion and many cultures have used as a tonic, as it prevents fatigue and reduces the risk of high blood pressure. The Wasabi (Japanese horseradish, the mustard-like flavor) is rich in vitamin C. The Gari (pickled ginger) strengthens the body's defenses and relieve stomach pains.
Rice for sushi:
seasoned rice is the base of sushi. The recipe I'm going to pass is based on 1 kg of rice, which is then boiled in about 2 kg approx. So imagine that this will make plenty of sushi for about 8 people (depending on how much to eat!). We put
then 1 kg of rice in a dish and wash (being careful not to break the grain) with water to remove starch. We recommend rinsing gently, without rubbing, about 5 to 7 times, which does not exceed a total of 5 minutes. After that time we run the risk that the rice absorbs too much water and break. It is advisable to leave it lying in a colander covered with a cloth for about two hours. In a television program, let the chef Iwao recommended 8 hours sleep.
Put the rice in a saucepan and cover with water up to 2.5 cm above the rice. From the moment the boiling process will take a total of 35 minutes (always with the pot covered) which is divided into three periods: 10 minutes on high heat, 10 minutes over at least 15 minutes of rest. At the end of the 35 minutes we can uncover the pot and pour the rice in a Hangiri (source of timber to cool the rice) or plastic dish. There should be glass or other material to transmit heat, continue cooking it. How to remove the rice from the pan should be careful too. We inverting the pan turning out the source, if you previously have separated the rice from the edges of the pot with shamoji (a wooden spatula.)
Rice prepared in this way is called Gohan. If we add the seasoning for sushi has to be renamed Shari.
Dressing for sushi rice:
To use this amount of rice to mix to 200 cc (or 1 cup) rice vinegar (typically Japanese) or alcohol, 100 grams (or half a cup) sugar , and 1 teaspoon of salt. Optional elements can add 1 tablespoon mirin (sweet rice wine) or sake , or any white drink vodka, or even sherry, and 1 piece of Kombu (dried seaweed). This dressing is best if it is prepared 3 days before and let it stand.
Returning to the explanation of the preparation of rice, we had stayed at the point where you turn out the rice in a bowl. A From then slowly pour the dressing, stirring gently with wooden spoon to horizontal movements, so that the rice is impregnated and not crushed. While adding the dressing must be turned on a fan near the rice or do it the old fashioned way: give Vientito with a fan. Once warm or cold cover it with a damp cloth and let rest at least 1 hour before using.
(information excerpted from the book "Japanese Cooking" with recipes from Rumiko Suzuki, books Origo, "Oriental Cooking" by Iwao Komiyama, Editorial Bonum)
In the seventeenth century, discovers a formula to add vinegar to the rice, thus speeding up the fermentation process, significantly improving the taste of rice, giving rise to the custom of eating next to the fish.
The nori-maki (seaweed roll) was created around 1820 and appeared in vegetarian cuisine associated with the Zen temples
The nigiri-zushi arrives in 1824, when he first served sliced fish and seafood on a piece of rice.
The eighties marked the advent of sushi in the West, primarily in Europe and the United States, where new customs assimilated then popularize even in Japan. This is the case of the use of avocado or the idea of \u200b\u200bwrapping the rolls with rice on the outside.
known in the West only a small part of what actually is sushi, with the rolls (rolled up) the basics that make up.
exist in the world more than 8,000 varieties of rice, different sizes, colors, aromas and starch. For the sushi is often used short-grain Japonica (replaceable Double Carolina).
Some elements of sushi have remarkable properties. For example, vinegar helps digestion and many cultures have used as a tonic, as it prevents fatigue and reduces the risk of high blood pressure. The Wasabi (Japanese horseradish, the mustard-like flavor) is rich in vitamin C. The Gari (pickled ginger) strengthens the body's defenses and relieve stomach pains.
Rice for sushi:
seasoned rice is the base of sushi. The recipe I'm going to pass is based on 1 kg of rice, which is then boiled in about 2 kg approx. So imagine that this will make plenty of sushi for about 8 people (depending on how much to eat!). We put
then 1 kg of rice in a dish and wash (being careful not to break the grain) with water to remove starch. We recommend rinsing gently, without rubbing, about 5 to 7 times, which does not exceed a total of 5 minutes. After that time we run the risk that the rice absorbs too much water and break. It is advisable to leave it lying in a colander covered with a cloth for about two hours. In a television program, let the chef Iwao recommended 8 hours sleep.
Put the rice in a saucepan and cover with water up to 2.5 cm above the rice. From the moment the boiling process will take a total of 35 minutes (always with the pot covered) which is divided into three periods: 10 minutes on high heat, 10 minutes over at least 15 minutes of rest. At the end of the 35 minutes we can uncover the pot and pour the rice in a Hangiri (source of timber to cool the rice) or plastic dish. There should be glass or other material to transmit heat, continue cooking it. How to remove the rice from the pan should be careful too. We inverting the pan turning out the source, if you previously have separated the rice from the edges of the pot with shamoji (a wooden spatula.)
Rice prepared in this way is called Gohan. If we add the seasoning for sushi has to be renamed Shari.
Dressing for sushi rice:
To use this amount of rice to mix to 200 cc (or 1 cup) rice vinegar (typically Japanese) or alcohol, 100 grams (or half a cup) sugar , and 1 teaspoon of salt. Optional elements can add 1 tablespoon mirin (sweet rice wine) or sake , or any white drink vodka, or even sherry, and 1 piece of Kombu (dried seaweed). This dressing is best if it is prepared 3 days before and let it stand.
Returning to the explanation of the preparation of rice, we had stayed at the point where you turn out the rice in a bowl. A From then slowly pour the dressing, stirring gently with wooden spoon to horizontal movements, so that the rice is impregnated and not crushed. While adding the dressing must be turned on a fan near the rice or do it the old fashioned way: give Vientito with a fan. Once warm or cold cover it with a damp cloth and let rest at least 1 hour before using.
(information excerpted from the book "Japanese Cooking" with recipes from Rumiko Suzuki, books Origo, "Oriental Cooking" by Iwao Komiyama, Editorial Bonum)
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